How big is the Universe?

tldr, too big. Here is the comparison of solar system planets.

Some of the adjectives are too confusing, for instance expensive. How much a thing will cost makes it an expensive item? Well, of course depends on which item it is but your pay cheque also effects the answer. But some of the values are almost never use in real life. If you live in US, you can spend $10 in a market for food or $100 if you buy a lot of stuff but never spend $1M for food in the market at least. Let say the range would be 0 to 300 or even more 1000. If one of your friend tells that s/he spent $10K on the market, you do not beleive or that does not makes sense for you. What if your friend says, s/he spent $6000000000?

I always wonder how the plants are apart from each other and how big they are. Of course, there are lots of data about it but I would like to see comparison of the distance to sun and their diameters in one picture. Better to look at full screen. So here it is:

These planets placed in scable distance to sun and drew in scalable diameter to each other but the distances (million km) and the diameter measurement (km) are in different scale.